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Please follow these instructions in order to get started.

Step 1: Click the yellow login button on the upper right side of the learning console's navigation.
Step 2: Log in using the email and password you use to manage your Amazon Ads campaigns. Don't have an account? You can create an Amazon account using your company email address. Follow the registration prompt.
Step 3: Complete your profile, including agency or company name, and select the country in which you advertise.
Step 4: You'll be redirected back to this page. Sit and wait for the presentation to begin. We'll guide you through the page as it relates to the topics we cover today.
Step 5: At the end of the session, fill out the survey that can be found at the bottom of this page. Any feedback provided is helpful for our team and can impact on how we deliver these sessions in the future.

If you have a learning console account already, but would like to update your account information, you can edit your profile by clicking on the profile icon in the top right corner of the screen.

Note: If you have changed jobs and have a new company email, you’ll need to create a new Amazon account with your new work email. Then, open a new learning console account using your new Amazon login account details. Once your new account is created, please use the Contact Us form to request the merging of your old learning console account with your new learning console account.

Ask one of our team members if you need assistance. For other learning console questions, see the help center here.